Raised By Wolves is a Consortium Holdings’ spirits retail store and cocktail bar located in the UTC mall in San Diego, California. Named after the Roman mythology, the bar is now well-known for its opulent décor inspired to the historical French Art Nouveau and Victorian Rococo Revival styles. A year after its grand opening, the staff members decided to revamp the menu design and the cocktail recipes.

The creative team decided to start the menu revamp creating a new sophisticated cover with a more proportioned size, yet keeping the overall esthetic of the brand. The silhouettes of wolves are now a decorative center piece on each page. The hierarchy is supported by the sans-serif Britannic Becker Light and the serif fonts CenturyOldst and Blado , which are meticulously combined with the handmade typeface used for the titles. The new the colored paper is meant to reflect the style of the interior design. The entire menu was intentionally designed and format so that it can be easily updated and printed in house, bringing the costs down.